Tuesday, September 24, 2013

11 Weeks!

In 11 weeks I’m moving back to the U.S. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. Anytime I think about it I get an overwhelming feeling of rightness. Not that there is ever one right or one wrong decision, rather I can just feel that I’m ready to be back for a while. I’m ready to be close to the people I love whose lives I’ve missed these last couple years. I’m ready to be in the California sun. I’m ready for the diversity of the U.S. I’m ready for the mountains and the beach and the city. I’m ready for all that I will learn by moving back. I’m ready.

Just over a year ago I got back from the Peace Corps. I don’t think I would have been ready a year ago. I think I would have questioned if I was making the right choice. This year I know I’m making the right choice. Scotland hasn’t been what I anticipated it to be, but it has shown me that I’m ready to go back to California and that I wont have any regrets or questions asking “what if” when I go back this December.

This December it will have been 4 years since I graduated from college. In that time I have travelled the world and fulfilled life long dreams. I have met people that have helped me grow and have shown me the wisdom of the world. I have travelled to places I never before thought of visiting. I have learned to have faith in myself and have learned to trust other people. I have discovered what I hope to be and what is important to me.

When I think about these last four years and everything that has gotten me to this point I’m in awe of the world and the people in my life. So many good and patient and understanding and supportive people. So many unimaginable events that revealed things I never expected about myself. What a journey these last couple years have been. What a journey is waiting for me beginning in December. One journey preparing me for the other, and as I sit here right now thinking about all that has happened these last few years and all that I’m unsure about for these next couple years I feel absolute peace. That’s not always the case, but it is right now. Right now all is right. 

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